Sector and AuSAE News

  • 13 Dec 2012 10:54 AM | AuSAE Admin (Administrator)

    The NAB Women’s Agenda Emerging Leader Award will recognise an inspiring female leader within the private or not-for-profit sector who has demonstrated a positive and measurable impact in her field of expertise. The Women’s Agenda Leadership Awards aims to recognise women in the workplace who are driving the change agenda for gender equality. For More Information


    Sourced From:ThirdSectorMagazine

  • 13 Dec 2012 10:46 AM | AuSAE Admin (Administrator)

    The Not-for-profit Sector Tax Concession Working Group (Working Group) has released a consultation paper on tax concessions for the not-for-profit (NFP) sector. The Working Group is seeking feedback on how tax concessions for the NFP sector could be made fairer, simpler and more effective. For More Information


    Sourced from: Australian Government 

  • 28 Nov 2012 3:27 PM | AuSAE Admin (Administrator)

    The Australian Government’s introduction of the Fair Work Act provided a new broader test for equal pay that is based on equal or comparable work. The Australian Government supported the case of social and community sector workers before Fair Work Australia. FWA’s decision is the first ever successful pay equity claim in the national system, and a significant advance for equal pay for women. The Australian Government will pay supplementation to organisations that deliver in-scope Commonwealth programs. The Australian Government will also pay its share of the increases to organisations who deliver in-scope programs through Commonwealth-State Agreements. For More information


    Sourced from: fahcsia

  • 19 Nov 2012 5:15 PM | AuSAE Admin (Administrator)

    If you join or renew before December 21, 2012, you will receive a free copy of 2011-2012 Membership Benchmarking Report (by Sue Froggatt). Retailing at $90 AUD ($115 NZD), this report shows recent retention rates achieved, predicted forecasts for the next 12 months, highlights why members join and renew and much more. This fascinating report is essential reading for association executives. If you would like more information please contact us.

  • 11 Nov 2012 12:32 PM | AuSAE Admin (Administrator)

    Members of AuSAE will notice this site looking substantially different from previously. This rebrand is part of a comprehensive suite of changes implemented as a result of a recent member survey taken to better understand the needs of our members.


    We were overwhelmed with the response and truly appreciated the significant number of members who took the time to respond. Thank you to all those who responded.


    We listened to what was said and understood that some significant changes would be required to ensure your membership delivers value far in excess of the membership fees charged..


    Exciting changes at AuSAE


    I am pleased to report that these changes are well underway including:

    • Launching a new website that is structured to provide you with access to the resources you said you wanted.
    • Increasing the number of events running in each region. We have already scheduled three networking lunches in each major city with more events on their way.
    • Adding new membership categories to provide greater flexibility to members including Young Association Professional and Temporary Sabbatical (for those temporarily leaving the professional for family, study or other reasons).

    A new management company


    There are still more enhancements to come and we will keep you informed as these happen. To assist us to make these changes we have engaged the services of a new management company. The team at Strategic Membership Solutions are coordinating the implementation of a range of strategies designed to assist you to be more successful in your career.


    Questions, Comments or Suggestions


    Please feel free to contact myself or the team at SMS with any questions, comments or suggestions on 1300 764 576 (Australia and New Zealand) or at



    Tony Steven


  • 10 Nov 2012 3:16 PM | AuSAE Admin (Administrator)

    The Federal Government has objected to applications from two international venture capital companies to own and operate the global internet domain name, DOT charity. (.charity) The Government’s objections cover two applications for the global top-level domain via ICAAN, the US based international body that oversees the top-level domain process, in its latest Government Advisory Committee (GAC) Early Warning notice. Dr Bruce Tonkin, the chief strategy officer at Melbourne IT says the Australian objections state that there is the potential to misuse the domain name in any ongoing fundraising efforts. For More Information


    Sourced From:probonoaustralia

  • 10 Nov 2012 3:10 PM | AuSAE Admin (Administrator)

    The call for papers for the 7th Australasian Better Boards Conference is now open. Submissions are now being accepted for original papers and presentations from experts, leaders and practitioners in the fields of governance and leadership in the non-profit sector. The theme for the 2013 Better Boards Conference is “Ideas to Solutions”. This year’s theme focuses on the practical and successful implementation of innovative solutions, systems, models, practices,tools, processes and frameworks at the board, chief executive and senior management levels of non-profit organisations. The conference will take place on the 5th, 6th & 7th of July 2013 at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre in Melbourne, Australia. All presentations must focus on the board and/or CEO level and provide actionable outcomes for delegate. For More Information


    Sourced from:Better Boards

  • 10 Nov 2012 1:24 PM | AuSAE Admin (Administrator)

    Small and medium-sized charities reported a combined deficit of more than £300m in 2011 compared with a surplus of £325m in 2007, according to new figures.


    Data compiled by the Charities Aid Foundation based on charities’ annual returns to the Charity Commission show that those with incomes of less than £1m a year had a combined income of £8.4bn in 2011 and an expenditure of £8.7bn.


    In 2007, the combined income of charities in the same income bracket was £6.9bn against an expenditure of £6.6bn.

    Small and medium-sized charities represent more than 130,000 of Britain’s 162,000 registered charities, CAF said. For More Information


    Sourced from:Third Sector

  • 01 Nov 2012 2:29 PM | AuSAE Admin (Administrator)

    The Not-for-profit Sector Tax Concession Working Group (Working Group) has released a discussion paper on tax concessions for the not-for-profit (NFP) sector, 'Fairer, simpler and more effective tax concessions for the not-for-profit sector'. The discussion paper can be accessed here.

    The stated purpose of the discussion paper is to stimulate debate and feedback on federal tax concessions available to not-for-profit entities. The discussion paper is not intended as a position paper and does not make any recommendations to Government.


    What is the discussion paper about?


    The Discussion Paper seeks feedback on 57 specific questions about existing tax concessions, including:

    • the categories of and eligibility criteria for income tax exemption (including for State owned entities) and entitlements to refundable franking credits;
    • the deductible gift recipient categories and criteria, and asks whether the current system should be replaced by alternative options such as a fixed tax offset system or clearing house linked to the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission;
    • eligibility for Fringe Benefits Tax concessions and the extent to which they should be available (for example, whether the concessions should be limited to non-remuneration benefits);
    • Goods and Services Tax concessions; and

    · the common law principle of mutuality and whether it should be replaced with legislative rules.

    The questions are broad and sweeping. They require careful consideration, as any review raises the potential for a reduction of benefits, particularly in an era of fiscal tightening. The review also provides an opportunity to iron out arbitrary anomalies in the current law.


    For example, some organisations with varied activities may currently not qualify for DGR status under any one DGR category due to the strictness with which those categories are currently applied. As a result, they are forced to establish multiple entities to achieve their purposes if they wish to access DGR benefits. It is arguable that such entities should be able to combine their activities and operate through a single entity without jeopardising their DGR status. There are many other anomalies in the current law that are begging to be fixed.


    The discussion paper does not discuss other announced reform measures, such as the proposal to tax earnings from the unrelated commercial activities of not-for-profits and the proposed statutory definition of charity.


    What is next?


    Interested parties are invited to comment on the discussion paper. Written submissions are requested by 10 am on Monday 17 December 2012. The Working Group is due to provide a report to the Government by March 2013.


    Sourced from: Minterellison                    

  • 22 Oct 2012 9:42 AM | AuSAE Admin (Administrator)

    Delegates to last year’s Leaders’ Symposium in Canberra were asked what they would like to know from the 2012 AuSAE Member Survey. “What keeps our members up at night!” was the thundering response. With the results now in, AuSAE has a wealth of information about what promotes sleeplessness among Australasia’s most senior association leaders.

    The survey, which was donated by research and strategy consultancy THINK: Insight & Advice, was conducted online between January 24th and February 8th. With the added incentive of a chance to win an iPad2, donated by Strategic Management Solutions, the response rate was boosted to 40.8%. “We’re delighted with the response to this year’s survey and we want to thank our business partners for making it a reality. We need good information to make good decisions,” said AuSAE President, Simon Pryor.

    Membership and revenue issues closely linked

    “Membership and revenue issues are closely linked for AuSAE members” commented Randall Pearce, Managing Director of THINK: Insight & Advice. “It makes sense that this pair of issues would preoccupy AuSAE members since nearly two thirds report that they work for membership-based associations (33% report working for a Trade Association where members are companies or organisations and a further 30% reporting that they work for a professional body whose members are individual professionals),” according to Pearce. “Revenues depend on membership numbers; less than half a percent of members report ‘other trading operations’ as a key activity that could offset a drop in membership revenue.”

    Advocacy, governance and communications comprised a second cluster of issues which, while not insomnia-inducing, are nonetheless key concerns. Each three of these issues was deemed to be in the top-five issues but their order was determined by their ranking by members. Advocacy nudged ahead of governance issues because it was rated highly as both a number one and number two issue of concern.

    Communications issues and issues relating to working with other associations within federated structures occupied the third tier of issues.

    AuSAE is the association for Senior Executives

    The survey results paint a picture of AuSAE as the membership to hold for senior association executives in Australia and New Zealand. Three quarters (74%) of respondents indicated that they hold the ‘head staff position reporting to the board.’ A further 16% reported that they work as a ‘function head reporting to the CEO.’ Seven in ten have worked in the not-for-profit sector for more than 10 years (37% of respondents said that they have twenty plus years of experience with a further 34% saying they had worked in the sector between ten and twenty years).

    “AuSAE members appear to be incredibly loyal,” said Pearce, noting that 41% of members reported that they ‘hold no other memberships other than AuSAE’. 54% of respondents have been members for more than five years (29% say they have been members for five to ten years and 25% report that they have maintained their membership for more than 10 years). “That’s not to say that AuSAE’s membership is static, quite the opposite,” according to Pearce. “45% of respondents say that they have joined within the last five years indicating that AuSAE continues to attract new members,” he said.

    The importance of AuSAE as an information-sharing and networking organisation was underlined by the fact 62% of respondents reported that their organisation employees ten or fewer full-time equivalent employees, including 14% who said they are the sole employee of the organisation. Pearce commented, “Clearly, AuSAE is an important point of connection for association executives who are looking to share their experience and to learn from others.”

The Australasian Society of Association Executives

Contact us:

Phone: 1300 764 576 (within Australia)
Phone: +61 7 3268 7955 (outside Australia)
Address: Unit 6, 26 Navigator Place, Hendra QLD 4011, Australia


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