Sector and AuSAE News

  • 26 Feb 2019 1:30 PM | Deleted user

    The Association of Consulting Architects (ACA) has appointed Angelina Pillai as the organisation’s first CEO.

    “The new role of CEO will help ensure the ACA provides a coordinated, coherent national outlook, while drawing on the diverse yet complementary strengths offered by the ACA branches,” says ACA national president John Held.

    Pillai has spent the past 20 years in leadership roles across the public, private and not-for-profit sectors, in Australia and internationally. Most notable are her roles with three membership associations over 13 years, from procurement and supply chain to human resources and general medical practice. Her responsibilities included significant involvement in membership strategy, engagement and growth; education and training; strategic partnerships and business development.

    Pillai says tahat she is particularly interested in the impact that digitisation makes in membership associations and leveraging data to better understand the segments of professional markets, and customising relevant product offerings for those market segments to create value for members.

    Regarding the future of the ACA, Pillai says that “Competition is rife in keeping membership associations thriving and agile in this world of disruption. Disintermediation is a reality to be reckoned with, so membership associations need to be vigilant about listening to and supporting their members through robust content, standards of practice and the point of reference for their members… Otherwise, someone else will.”

    Original article posted on Architecture and Design. Click here to view.

  • 26 Feb 2019 10:15 AM | Deleted user

    Bill Suen has been appointed chief executive officer of the Dental Hygienists Association of Australia following the resignation of Dr Melanie Hayes.

    After an extensive and thorough recruitment process the DHAA Board announced that Suen will start in his new role in May 2019.

    Suen is currently CEO of the Pharmaceutical Society of Victoria and has extensive and proven experience in a range of small and large organisations in both the public and private sectors.

    “We are very fortunate to have someone of Bill Suen’s calibre and experience step up to lead our Association,” DHAA president Cheryl Dey said.

    “Both myself and the Board are looking forward to working with him to continue to grow and develop the DHAA.”

    Suen, who has held a number of senior roles in the health sector said: “I am honoured to join and work with a very passionate Board supported by state chairs, local committees, staff and contractors.

    “The DHAA has achieved a lot as a truly member-owned and run peak body serving its members and the profession. My short-term goal is to get to know the local committees and to get an in-depth understanding of the needs of members in order to provide [them with] appropriate CPD and practice support.”

    Suen concluded: “Over the longer term, I hope to work with elected officials and volunteers to ensure every DHAA member can enjoy a professionally satisfying and financially rewarding career as a dental hygienist or oral health therapist.”

    Originally posted in Bite Magazine. Click here to view the article. 

  • 26 Feb 2019 9:02 AM | Deleted user

    Kia ora

    I am really looking forward to my first trip to New Zealand for 2019 to attend the Future Leaders Conference in Wellington on the 14-15 March.

    As for many of your own organisations, the development of our next generation of leaders will be critical to the continued success of our Associations and the important contribution they make to our societies. This inaugural conference is shaping up to be a fantastic 2 days and I urge all our senior executives to consider sending their aspiring leaders to this event.

    The AuSAE board recently met in Brisbane, and as we continue to grow and mature as an organisation so too does our vision. We are the professional body for the profession of Association Management and will continue to develop and deliver services to ensure a strong, vibrant and respected community. Some of our focus areas for 2019 will be to:

    • Finalise the introduction of a Professional Certification for Association Executives
    • Increase our Advocacy efforts to communicate the tangible impact Associations have on our society
    • Continue to create meaningful connections for our member community
    • Form strategic partnerships to increase our capacity to deliver targeted and relevant products and services to our members

    I look forward to catching up with those of you attending the Futures Leaders conference. I will have some time on the Wednesday 13 March - so if you can't make the event please reach out and I'll come and meet you for a coffee if you have the time.

    Warm regards


  • 20 Feb 2019 2:39 PM | Deleted user

    Australasian Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AusACPDM) 9th Biennial Conference

    • Dates: 21 to 24 March 2018
    • Delegates: 548
    • Destination: Auckland
    • PCO: DC Conferences

    Widening the audience in Auckland

    New Zealand provided the Australasian Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine with its biggest conference yet.

    Any initial fears in the Australian organising team that delegate numbers would decrease with the trip over the Tasman proved unfounded. The 9th Biennial Conference attracted nearly 550 Allied Health Professionals and Medical Professionals to the Cordis hotel in Auckland, up from 467 at the Adelaide event in 2016.

    Jo Robinson, Business Development & Sponsorship Manager at Sydney-based DC Conferences, says: “The 2018 conference delegate numbers exceeded expectation which was fantastic. We had to increase the size of the plenary to accommodate the increase in numbers. The main increase in numbers came from New Zealanders attending, however it was also very encouraging to see the high number of Australian delegates crossing the Tasman to attend the conference. Having direct flights between all the major Australian centres to Auckland certainly made access easy.”

    Also heartening was the leap in international delegates, particularly from China, helping AusACPDM with its goal of growing the biennial conference to become the pre-eminent professional development opportunity in the Asia-Pacific region for clinicians and researchers working in the field of cerebral palsy and child-onset disability.

    “Auckland is easy to access for international delegates. Having those increases is really important because we are an Australasian association,” Robinson notes.

    The conference was themed ‘Empowerment and Partnership’, with a diverse programme including 120 free papers, 15 breakfast sessions and 16 concurrent workshops, all demonstrating high quality research findings to ensure strong, well-informed, empowered clinicians.

    Local experts

    While Auckland was seen as the next logical destination in the association’s conference rotation, a strong local knowledge hub was integral to the event’s success. This included organising committee members Professor Sue Stott of Starship Children’s Hospital and Amy Hogan of the Cerebral Palsy Society of New Zealand.

    “It was an excellent local organising committee. It is so important to have them on the ground to make introductions and build the relationships,” Robinson adds. “They are really well known in Cerebral Palsy in New Zealand. Delegates commented that the speakers at the event were absolute experts in their field.”

    Robinson notes that Tourism New Zealand’s Conference Assistance Programme was also a great help.

    “The main challenge with taking a conference offshore is budget. We applied for CAP funding and we were able to use that for targeted marketing to get more delegates to the conference, including developing our conference website.

    “We also knew that a number of our loyal and long-standing exhibitors/sponsors would

    not cross the Tasman as they either have representation in New Zealand or don’t have NZ as part of their market, so it was a challenge to make up that lost revenue. When I could see our exhibitor numbers had dropped we applied for financial support from the Maurice and Phyllis Paykel Trust, which encourages the development of health-related research in New Zealand.

    “Having both Tourism New Zealand’s and the Paykel Trust’s support was of great benefit and it assisted with keeping the delegate registration cost down. From the conference survey 40% of respondents were self-funded to attend the conference, so registration cost is very important.”

    A Roaring success

    The venue and programme also played their part in a positive conference experience. An initial choice between Sky City Convention Centre and the Cordis (formerly The Langham) ended in favour of the Cordis, which was able to provide “a softer and friendlier environment and encouraged small group interactions and offered many private and relaxing spaces to network”, Robinson says. “The venue floor staff were very attentive and the venue conference manager was excellent to work with and very accommodating; 95% of survey respondents rate the Cordis as Good/Very Good.”

    One unexpected challenge was musician Ed Sheeran announcing two concerts at the same

    time as the conference, which put pressure on local accommodation. “Even though we advised delegates to get in and book accommodation early a number didn’t and found it hard to find accommodation. Other hotels were suggested on the conference website that were located in close proximity to try and help.”

    Conference highlights included a traditional Māori pōwhiri welcome to open proceedings; and a Roaring 20’s-themed gala dinner at the Heritage Hotel’s Grand Tearoom.

    “It was nice to be able to bring a New Zealand element to it with the pōwhiri at the start,” Robinson says. “While some delegates were initially skeptical about the themed approach to the dinner, it was excellent. A lot of allied health people love dancing and really enjoyed it and we got very good feedback.”

    A Tourism New Zealand video and link on the conference website suggesting things to do in Auckland and New Zealand also proved popular. “Delegates were saying there was a lot to see and do.”

    In all, organisers were very happy with the results of the Auckland event, and hope it will now encourage a more diverse delegation at the next Australian event. “It was nice to expose more New Zealanders to the conference. Hopefully now they have experienced it they will come over to the next conference in Perth.”

  • 29 Jan 2019 9:26 AM | Deleted user

    Happy 2019!

    The year is now well underway, and I hope you had an opportunity to take some time over the festive season to rest and re-charge.

    The AuSAE office is back and ready to serve and 2019 will see us implement a renewed strategic plan which I look forward to sharing this with you in the coming weeks.

    The start of the year is a great time to consider your own professional development plan and we have a number of activities for you to engage in over the coming months. Some suggestions to get you thinking include:

    Start the year by participating in the AuSAE Mentoring Program. Exclusive to AuSAE this is the only mentoring program that has been developed specifically for professionals in the association management community and is a great way to further your career as a mentee or “give-back” as a mentor. Applications are open now and will close on March 4.

    New to association management or looking to further your career? Join the Future Leaders Conference in Wellington (March 14-15) for a fantastic 2-day program aimed at the emerging professional. This is a new event demonstrating our commitment to the next generation of association leaders.

    Take the time to complete the Marketing General Membership Marketing Benchmarking Survey. This benchmarking report is the most comprehensive Membership Marketing report across the globe and provides fantastic insights into how to engage and grow your membership. All participants receive a copy of the report once results are collated.

    Put ACE 2019 in your diary. June 11-13 in Brisbane, ACE will be the must attend event for everyone working in association management. With International keynote speakers Sheri Jacobs CAE, membership expert and author of new book Pivot Point, and Richard Yep, CEO American Counselling Association this years conference is shaping up to be the event of the year.

    Ensure you are following AuSAE across LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter for up-to-minute announcements and information. Did you know we also have an exclusive Facebook “chat group” where you can call on the expertise of AuSAE members across Australia and New Zealand.

    Finally, if you are an AuSAE member please remember the “AuSAE Assist” program where as a member you can request personal assistance or support for any challenge you may be experiencing or resource you may be looking for.

    These are just few ways AuSAE can support you to deliver a successful 2019 for you and the members you support.

    I hope to see you at an AuSAE event in the very near future.

    Warm regards


  • 29 Jan 2019 9:03 AM | Deleted user

    Happy 2019!

    The year is now well underway, and I hope you had an opportunity to take some time over the festive season to rest and re-charge.

    The AuSAE office is back and ready to serve and 2019 will see us implement a renewed strategic plan which I look forward to sharing this with you in the coming weeks.

    The start of the year is a great time to consider your own professional development plan and we have a number of activities for you to engage in over the coming months. Some suggestions to get you thinking include:

    Start the year by re-engaging with your peers at one of our networking functions. Networking lunches are being held in both Wellington and Auckland in February and are a great way to meet with like-minded executives and make connections over a fabulous meal.

    New to association management or looking to further your career? Join the Future Leaders Conference in Wellington (March 14-15) for a fantastic 2-day program aimed at the emerging professional. This is a new event demonstrating our commitment to the next generation of association leaders!

    Take the time to complete the Marketing General Membership Marketing Benchmarking Survey. This benchmarking report is the most comprehensive Membership Marketing report across the globe and provides fantastic insights into how to engage and grow your membership. All participants receive a copy of the report once results are collated.

    Ensure you are following AuSAE across LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter for up-to-minute announcements and information. Did you know we also have an exclusive Facebook “chat group” where you can call on the expertise of AuSAE members across New Zealand and Australia.

    Finally, if you are an AuSAE member please remember the “AuSAE Assist” program where as a member you can request personal assistance or support for any challenge you may be experiencing or resource you may be looking for.

    These are just few ways AuSAE can support you to deliver a successful 2019 for you and the members you support.

    I hope to see you at an AuSAE event in the very near future.

    Warm regards


  • 28 Jan 2019 8:50 PM | Deleted user

    In December 2018, AuSAE held workshops with international speaker Sarah Sladek on the topic "The Future of Membership". After this successful round of workshops, the participants were asked to submit an answer to the question “how would attending the 2019 ASAE Conference change your association’s future?”.

    Responses were collected and from this we are pleased to congratulate Lucy Scorer from the Association of Corporate Counsel Australia who gave the best response to the question and is the winner of our competition with XYZ University! The prize included a round trip ticket to ASAE’s Annual Conference in Ohio and an opportunity to shadow ASAE’s CEO Scott Wiley. Thank you to everyone who participated and attended the workshops!

  • 16 Jan 2019 9:25 AM | Deleted user

    On the 15th January, peak industry association, Fitness Australia announced the appointment of new CEO Barrie Elvish whose key goal will be to continue to drive the development of the Association, as we evolve to meet the needs of our members, the industry and its consumers.

    Chairperson of Fitness Australia, Jayne Blake welcomes the new CEO to the team. “Barrie offers some great expertise and a relevant new perspective in an area that he knows well from his experience with similar not-for-profit organisations.”

    “Having spent the past five years in CEO roles in the health sector including Autism SA and Wimmera Uniting Care, I’m very confident that Barrie will take Fitness Australia to the next level.”

    With his key skills comprising teaching, marketing and business development, Barrie aims to build on Fitness Australia’s well-established foundations to support the Association in achieving its vision of empowering the industry to have more Australians be more active, more often.

    “I’m here to ensure that any necessary changes are made, whilst being guided by our members, and the needs of the fitness industry,” says new CEO of Fitness Australia Barrie Elvish.

    “I want to build a professional association that continues to support the fitness industry in delivering services to create healthier communities,” adds Elvish.

    With a passion for his family, running and water sports, Barrie’s life achievements include completing the Kokoda Trail and Machu Picchu treks. 

    Originally published by Fitness Australia. 

  • 17 Dec 2018 8:17 PM | Deleted user

    AuSAE announces membership alliance with ASAE

    Last week we announced to members an unprecedented partnership between AuSAE and the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) which from January 1, 2019 will see every AuSAE member also become a member of ASAE as part of our membership offering.

    The decision to align our two brands and bundle ASAE membership is one of value.  By complementing our existing member benefits program with the strength and depth of the ASAE online offering, members now have access to a broader collection of tools, content, and other practical resources.

    This collaboration will also open doors to a vibrant community of international peers in association management—all to help you lead within your organisation and contribute to our mission of building a strong and robust Association Sector in Australia and New Zealand. 

    I am very proud to end the year with this fantastic news which sets the scene for the great things AuSAE has planned for 2019.

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank the very hard-working team here at AuSAE.  As you all know, the role of an association executive comes with its unique challenges, and many nights away from home is one of them.  My thanks and gratitude to Brett Jeffrey and Kerrie Green for their amazing contribution and dedication to delivering value to the membership throughout 2018.

    To our support crew in the office – Andrea, Elaine and Tracey – I thank you for your support and excellent member service you deliver each and every day.

    Also, thank you to our volunteer board, for giving your time to support the organisation and the profession throughout the year.  Your contribution is valued and appreciated.

    And lastly, I wish each and everyone one of you a very Merry Christmas, and safe and prosperous new year.

    The AuSAE office will be closed from 12 noon on Friday 21 December until Monday 7 January.  I look forward to working with you all in 2019!

  • 12 Dec 2018 12:05 PM | Deleted user

    High Performance Leadership Program facilitated by Leading Teams


    The High Performance Leadership program uses Leading Teams models of leadership and team development to equip participants with the understanding and practical tools required to be a high performing leader within their organisation


    The High Performance Leadership program comprises five full days of interactive workshops, delivered over a 6-8 month period with approximately 4-6 weeks between sessions. The dates of subsequent sessions will be agreed between members of the group on day 1. The delivery of the program is flexible, with sessions tailored to address the specific needs of the participants.


    High Performance Leadership is a program of practical and experiential learning, delivered by Leading Teams’ expert facilitators. As well as offering a learning opportunity, the program creates a forum for the discussion of leadership and the creation of peer networks among the group. Participants will reflect on their individual leadership practice to identify areas for development. They will have the opportunity to apply the tools and models to their leadership practice between sessions and discuss the outcomes at the next meeting. All sessions involve the discussion of workplace matters raised by program participants. This real-life, action-based learning approach enables the sharing of experiences and ideas between group members and fosters strong networks and relationships that will deliver genuine workplace improvement.

    Click on the below links to find out more information. 

    Melbourne February 2019

    Adelaide February 2019

    Brisbane & Gold Coast February 2019

    For Female Leaders - Adelaide April 2019

    To register your interest, click here. 

The Australasian Society of Association Executives (AuSAE)

Australian Office:
Address: Unit 6, 26 Navigator Place, Hendra QLD 4011 Australia
Free Call: +61 1300 764 576
Phone: +61 7 3268 7955

New Zealand Office:
Address: 159 Otonga Rd, Rotorua 3015 New Zealand
Phone: +64 27 249 8677


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