Volunteering with AuSAE
Want to get more involved in your professional association? AuSAE is looking for volunteers to serve on 2021 Committees and Working groups. Committees are instrumental in important activities like helping plan the educational content for meetings, recruiting new members, and marketing events like the Annual Conference. 

Members That Volunteer should expect to increase their knowledge, gain ideas and improve their skills. They will enhance their network and develop valued relationships while contributing their unique skills, abilities and talents by engaging in worthwhile opportunities that will advance the organisation’s vision and mission.

AuSAE is looking for volunteers to serve on 2021 Committees and Working groups. Committees are instrumental in important activities like helping plan the educational content for meetings, recruiting new members, and marketing events like the Annual Conference. 

Volunteering Opportunities
We have a variety of volunteer opportunities and invite you to bring your skills to AuSAE. Whether you want to be a leader or simply lend a helping hand, we have an opportunity for you. Our members’ expertise in the areas of meetings, governance, education, marketing and human resources allow us to continue our success. Here are the opportunities available in 2021.

AuSAE Volunteerism Principles & Leading a Community

AuSAE Volunteerism improves the organisation through the valued contributions of its members toward achieving realistic, measurable and achievable goals based on its vision and mission. Volunteerism extends the community of AuSAE by enhancing valued relationships, providing professional development, engaging members and developing greater loyalty.

AuSAE Decision Making will be transparent and consensus oriented, data-driven, respectful of the opinions of others and achieve the highest ethical standards.

New ZealandAuSAE Committees in New Zealand 

  • LINC Committee | Mission Statement:  Provide strategic guidance and production support for AuSAE’s annual education and networking event with specific goals for: content, thought leadership, net revenue; number of paid attendees and overall evaluation rating. 
  • Advocacy Advisory Work Group |Purpose Statement:  The purpose of the Advocacy Advisory Work Group is to monitor legislation and engage members on issues that could potentially influence the general business practices of the association community. In addition to work through the process of the government to establish a minister for the Incorporated Society Sector.  
  • Professional Development Committee | Mission Statement:  Ensure the development and implementation of diverse learning opportunities and innovative formats that are responsive to member needs and industry trends.
  • Emerging Leader Group Committee | Purpose Statement:  To accelerate high potential employees in the development of leadership capacity and capability.

How to Get Involved
Volunteering is just as easy as it is rewarding. We are looking for motivated AuSAE members to join our committees for 2021. Please review above committee descriptions and fill out the Volunteer Interest form.  Upon submission, you will be contacted by AuSAE staff regarding your interest.

Speaking at an AuSAE Networking or Educational Event  in NZ 
More information here however you can submit your contact information and session details online here.


Information to follow  

Vision and Mission 

An association sector that is valued and recognised 

To foster a strong and robust association sector in Australia and New Zealand through the professional development, support and networking of existing and emerging association leaders

AuSAE Board and Constitution 
Information of the AuSAE Board members and Constitution can be found here

The Australasian Society of Association Executives

Contact us:

Email: info@ausae.org.au
Phone: 1300 764 576 (within Australia)
Phone: +61 7 3268 7955 (outside Australia)
Address: Unit 6, 26 Navigator Place, Hendra QLD 4011, Australia


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