AuSAE Community 

Fun run at conference

  • 13 Dec 2019 2:22 PM
    Reply # 8261381 on 8259858

    Thanks Brett.

    I've actually approached Adelaide Athletics as they run these types of events and I thought they would have all the OHS knowledge for runs & know what government forms need to be completed. Will see what they can offer.

    Was just also wondering what other people have done check I'm on the right track!


  • 13 Dec 2019 10:56 AM
    Reply # 8259966 on 8259858

    Hi Lisa,

    thanks for the question and even though I am from New Zealand. I looked at doing this a couple years ago. However we have a real risk averse environment at the moment and to run any type of run/activity of this nature comes with all sorts of local government procedures. Things such as (and not put a dampener on), traffic management plans,  health and safety reports and personnel/marshals and other requirements. I would definitely check with the Adelaide 'major events' team as they would have the documentation that you would need to fill out should you wish to take up an an event such as a run. Normally the major events team are extremely helpful and will work with you on the process, as their view is it's great for the community however they need to ensure that people are safe.

    I hope this helps however because of all this regulations I chose not to do it – it just got too hard for the benefit.

    Regards Brett

  • 13 Dec 2019 10:43 AM
    Message # 8259858

    Has anyone run a fun run as part of your conference?  The committee want to include this for 2020 but it's a first for me.  I've got in contact with a running group in Adelaide to query if they can assist. We thought we would charge a small fee to cover their costs (if any) & some to a chosen charity. 

    We want this casual so not timed / more at own pace and for fitness.

    If you have run one in the past what have you done / how have you managed this?


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