Sector and AuSAE News

  • 25 Jun 2019 6:26 AM | Brett Jeffery, CAE (Administrator)

    YOU ARE INVITED to help shape the 2020 New Zealand Not for Profit Salary Report.

    With over 20 years of experience in providing Not for Profit Salary Surveys in Australia, Enterprise Care is pleased to partner with NZ AuSAE in this New Zealand Salary Survey.

    The Survey is now open and closes 11 pm Wednesday 31 July 2019.

    Enterprise Care fully respects and upholds your rights to privacy protection.  Throughout the Report only aggregated responses will be used and no identifiable information is disclosed.  Your trust is critical to us.

    ALL CEOs, Board members, managers, and staff of NFPs are encouraged to contribute. This benefits the whole NFP sector.

    ALL respondents can purchase the Report at a substantial discount of $NZ99 (RRP $NZ195).

    If you have multiple people with the same Function and Level (position), contact Enterprise Care, who will assist you with including this information in the Survey.

    All questions about the Survey, please contact Enterprise Care on +61 3 8862 6315 or

    We look forward to your contribution and to helping you with your salary strategies.

    Thank you in advance.


    Managing Director

    Click here to begin the survey

    Please note that as this is an anonymous link, you will need to complete the survey in one (1) sitting.  If you would prefer, you can ask for a personalised link.  This link allows you to complete the Survey in multiple sittings.

    A checklist of the information you will need to complete the New Zealand 2019 Not for Profit Salary Survey can be found here.

  • 28 May 2019 3:58 AM | Brett Jeffery, CAE (Administrator)

    With a large percentage of associations looking to grow their membership base – digital credentialing is an essential recruitment and recognition tool.

    Associations provide members with opportunities to continue their learning and development throughout their career pathway. The face to face networking and upskilling opportunities play a pivotal piece in changing our workforce landscape.

    Associations are the creators of standards for employees by providing industry-specific knowledge. The Association’s role in the New Education Paradigm report sums up the opportunity: “We [Associations] are already part of the world of the employers we serve. We can rapidly build professional development programs that directly address the specific needs of our industries and professions and create a pipeline of qualified candidates.”

    By providing professional, relevant skills development – Associations can offer credible professional development for their members. By recognising these achievements through digital credentials Associations can also provide members with portable, verifiable and secure credentials.

    These digital credentials are ‘highly-visual and shareable online, making it a more engaging and distinct benefit for your members. Every credential is backed by metadata that details the certifications and provides members with proof of learning. Once a member earns a digital credential from your association, they can easily share it on professional networks, online job banks, resumes, and email signatures--making your association and members that earn your credentials more visible on social media. On average, LinkedIn members with certifications receive 6 times more views to their profile.’

    Credentials are ranked within the top three benefits for Association members. By optimising certification programmes through issuing digital credentials, members can showcase their achievements leading to career opportunities and promotions. These shared impressions on social platforms also increases the Associations brand exposure which supports recruitment. IBM’s digital credential programme has garnered more than 200 million social media impressions equating to $39,000US per month in marketing value.

    Digital credentialing membership and professional development offers measurable impact to both the Association and the individual member through recognition of skills achievement and verification of membership providing a sustainable and cyclical return on investment.

    If you are looking for revenue growth by increasing your membership base and are interested in having a deeper look at how digital credentialing can support your Association –email us to find out more at

  • 05 May 2019 8:01 AM | Toni Brearley, CAE (Administrator)

    The Australasian Society of Association Executives (AuSAE) Board of Directors invite you to attend the Annual General Meeting. The AuSAE Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 27 May 2019 from 11.30am at Level 21, 320 Pitt Street Sydney.

    In order to provide our members access to the meeting wherever they reside, we will also be broadcasting the AGM via weblink. You can register to attend the meeting via weblink here. We encourage members to make use of this technology and participate in the meeting.

    If you are unable to attend but would like to appoint a proxy, please download your proxy appointment form.

    The Annual General Meeting is a time to celebrate and reflect on AuSAE’s achievements during the last calendar year and to discuss future plans.

    If you are attending the meeting in person please RSVP to

    Draft Agenda (as at 5 May 2019)
    Proxy Appointment Form
    AuSAE Constitution
    AuSAE By-Laws

  • 29 Apr 2019 6:33 AM | Brett Jeffery, CAE (Administrator)

    AuSAE has partnered with Enterprise Care to invite your organisation to be an inaugural VIP Contributor to the 2019 New Zealand Not for Profit Salary Survey and Report.  As a VIP Contributor, you will gain access to the full Salary Report at NO COST, plus you will be benefiting the whole New Zealand Not for Profit Sector.

    To become a VIP Contributor all you need to do is provide the salary data for 10 or more of your employees aInaugural VIP Contributor Program Invitationnd Board members.

    To make this as painless as possible, Tracy Portarianos from Enterprise Care’s office will provide your nominated contact a unique link to access the Survey.  This link is used for salary details for the Board and Chief Executive Officer of your organisation. In addition, a customised excel file will be provided to record the salary data for all other positions within your organisation.

    A further special offering for VIP Contributors is a complimentary Pulse Audit of your choice – valued at A$957.00.

    Your trust is of utmost importance to Enterprise Care; and that is why they are fully committed to, and deliver, quality services. Enterprise Care respects and upholds your rights to privacy protection and commits to being compliant with the way it collects, uses, discloses, stores, secures and disposes of any Personal Information. Throughout the Report only aggregated responses will be used and no identifiable information is disclosed. Enterprise Care confidently claims that its reputation for integrity is second to none.

    Please provide the name and contact details for your nominated contact to Tracy Portarianos on +61 3 8862 6315 or

    If you have any queries please contact myself; otherwise, I look forward to your participation in the very worthwhile inaugural VIP Contributor Program.

    Kind regards

    Brett Jeffrey

  • 26 Apr 2019 9:26 AM | Toni Brearley, CAE (Administrator)

    This month, for a limited time only we are introducing you to a very special type of member – the Conference Rockstar!  Our conference Rockstars are those members who have attended all the previous ACE conferences and have registered to attend #ACE19 (that’s 5 conferences in a row!).

    Allow us to introduce our first conference Rockstar – Glen Harriss, State Manager – Queensland, Sports Medicine Australia.  Glen will share with us why he hasn’t missed an AuSAE ACE conference and why he continues to commit time and resources to attend.

    Tell us what you value the most about ACE?

    Connections.  Renewing past connections and meeting new connections.  I actively look to sit next someone different in every session.  It is an easy way meet someone new and you already have many things in common such as being association professionals and an interest in the particular session.  It is also energizing knowing that the challenges I face in my organisation are very similar to those faced by others.  I have received so many tips and ideas that have been easily translatable into my own organisation.  I have also been able to share a couple too!

    Can you share a tangible example of how attending the conference directly impacted your role?

    I have my current role at Sports Medicine Australia because I met the CEO at ACE in Sydney.  The position had been recently advertised, so I actively tracked him down and met him.  The conference app was great to see what he looked like and to send him a message.  I also had help from some friends who were also on the lookout for me!

    How have you seen the conference evolve over the past 5 years?

    Over the years, the choices have increased and the sessions are more interactive and modern.  We are not drowning in PowerPoint presentations instead being actively involved in workshops and panel discussions.  The addition of speakers from outside the association sector has been valuable providing an insight into what we do from a different perspective. 

    I feel there has been an increased focus on networking and providing delegates with numerous opportunities to meet other likeminded professionals.  I have loved the addition of lunch sessions where first timers (who may not know many people) can meet and mingle with other first timers or where delegates can meet the AuSAE Board members and hear more about our organisation.  The type of networking sessions has evolved to last year where we had an amazing time have drinks with Panda Bears at the Adelaide Zoo (who by the way is a fantastic membership organisation).

    If you didn’t attend #ACE19, what do you think you would miss the most?

    I would miss the food!  For mine, the food is always sensational, but the first ACE conference at BCEC in Brisbane was absolutely the best.  I look forward to seeing what they deliver this year!

    I would also miss the networking opportunities.  I would encourage everyone to attend and be actively involved in all the networking sessions.  This has been where I have found and built some amazing relationships.  More than any other conference I attend, I have always felt comfortable saying hello to the person next to me.

  • 24 Apr 2019 5:04 PM | Deleted user

    As we are now just over 6 weeks away from #ACE19 and super excited about hosting you all in our home town of warm, sunny Brisbane, you will in the coming weeks receive a few (!) emails from us about the conference …. So apologies in advance for #conferencespam

    As association executives, part and parcel of the job is many nights away from home, many days out of the office, an abundance of functions and too much food (or is that just me?) so the prospect of attending another event can sometimes seem too hard. Let me take a few minutes to remind you of the value of having a whole bunch of people just like you in the same space at the same time.

    It reminds you why you do what you do.

    I remember the first time I attended the American Society of Association Executives annual meeting and feeling a real connection to a much bigger picture than my day to day job. Hearing the stories of so many individuals working across so many professions and industries reminded me of the collective impact of this sector and why I was so proud to be a part of it.

    The value of a random connection

    Admittedly I am an extrovert, so I never mind having a conversation with someone I don’t know, but events such as ACE put you in a situation where you are able to meet people you ordinarily wouldn’t and you can make a connection with someone that could dramatically impact how you approach a situation or a problem or who knows someone who does. Also you might just meet that person that will facilitate the next step in your career.

    Answers to what keeps you up at night

    Chances are some of the things that keep you up at night about your role will be the same as someone else and a conference should provide you with at least one “ah-ha” moment of how to solve or approach a pain-point. It might be directly from a speakers presentation or by having a conversation with someone over a drink at a networking session but getting a different perspective is often a thought starter to approach something in a different way.

    Give yourself an advantage

    You don’t know what you don’t know, so stepping outside of the everyday, forging connections, listening to a speaker from outside of the sector, having a conversation with someone inside the sector, seeing a new a product or service all give you an advantage over someone who doesn’t. That in my opinion is the real value of what a conference can bring.

    I hope to see you in Brisbane in June. Register here #deliberateplug


  • 24 Apr 2019 2:21 PM | Deleted user

    Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC) hosted more than 85,000 visitors on Good Friday for Victoria’s 88th Good Friday Appeal, which raised a record-breaking total of $18,175,467 to support The Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne.

    MCEC Chief Executive, Peter King said MCEC was proud to be part of the Good Friday Appeal family.

    “At MCEC we’re proud to be a space for the community and the Good Friday Appeal is a highlight on our events calendar,” Mr King said.

    “Our team love hosting this event and many of our employees donate their time to volunteer on the day.

    “In our sixth year of hosting the iconic Channel 7 Telethon, Kids Day Out activities and evening Super Show, we continue to play a vital role in seamlessly delivering a large-scale event while helping to raise life-changing funds for sick kids.

    “As always, it’s a pleasure to work with the major supporters of the Appeal including Channel 7, MiNC Events, Herald and Weekly Times and 3AW,” said Mr King.

    MCEC’s chefs created an interactive Ice Cream-o-Rama for the Kids Day Out, serving more than 3000 house-made ice creams for the Appeal.

    MCEC’s team has spent the last twelve months planning for the event, with over 500 employees working across the week to ensure the Appeal was again a great success. Many MCEC staff also generously donated their time to volunteer on the day.

    Since 1931 the Good Friday Appeal has contributed more than $363 million to The Royal Children's Hospital.

    View the original media release here. 

  • 24 Apr 2019 10:55 AM | Deleted user

    The Australian Sports Professionals Association (ASPA) has been officially launched, at a recent event in Perth, with 25 state and national bodies in attendance. The event kicks off a national launch calendar that will see inaugural events in most states and territories of Australia.

    ASPA is an industry body for individuals who work in sport, ranging from administrators of small state/territory sports to chief executives and board members of large national bodies, and provides opportunities to connect, communicate and collaborate with other professionals in the realm of sports management.

    Opened by WA Sports Federation Chief Executive Rob Thompson and hosted by Rowing WA, the Perth event headlines an initiative that has seen over 40 organisations in the Australian Sports Industry already signing up as founding members for the benefit of their staff and volunteers.

    ASPA has also officially partnered with the NSW Sports Federation (Sport NSW), Queensland Sports Federation (QSport), Western Australian Sports Federation (WASF) and the South Australian Sports Federation (Sport SA) to deliver and promote the network nationally.

    The format of the network is that of a member-based subscription for professionals within the sporting industry.

    Sports industry professional Alex Mednis addressed the launch event in Perth on behalf of the organisers, stating "everyone in our industry is facing similar challenges. We need to make this easier for ourselves. We need a better, smarter way to connect to and learn from each other.

    "Every conference we attend is full of talk, but so short on actionable steps. This needs to change, and the industry acknowledges we cannot do this alone. Every person here has overcome challenges in their sporting careers and has the ability to share that with others who may be facing the same struggles.

    "The feedback from the industry as we launch this network from state and national governing bodies has been fantastic. We're excited to be able to introduce an association by the industry, for the industry. The long term goal is to have an association that is self-sustaining."

    Sport NSW Chief Executive Darren Simpson added “the Australian Sports Professionals Association has been designed to encourage communication and collaboration between the many passionate and committed professionals working in Sport across Australia.

    :Sport NSW is proud to be a foundation partner of ASPA as we truly believe shared resources and collaboration are imperative for the growth of our industry. It is about adding value to existing initiatives and organisations such as ours, rather than reinventing the wheel.”

    More information can be found at the ASPA website at

    Originally published by Australian Leisure Management. View the full article here. 

  • 23 Apr 2019 9:59 AM | Deleted user

    AuSAE Executive Briefing events provide an exclusive environment for motivated association executives to gain insights and advice from other industry professionals. Executive Briefing events enables members to raise and discuss critical issues affecting industry and network with other professionals from the not-for-profit sector.

    The Topic

    Embracing member journeys is increasingly critical to associations to support their retention, engagement and recruitment strategies but where do you start?

    At this briefing we’ll workshop 4 examples of discrete parts of a standard member journey focussing on how technology can support each element.

    Even if you don’t have your member journeys mapped, you’ll come away with practical advice you can put to use right away.

    Using real life examples we’ll cover:

    • Identify where our members sit on their journey through membership
    • Drive personalisation by the stage of a member journey
    • Using marketing automation to inform and direct the next steps of a member journey
    • Using communities so members help themselves through their journey.

    With more than 20 years’ experience working exclusively with not for profits on their technology investments, Paul brings a wealth of knowledge and practical advice on how technology helps associations achieve continuous performance improvement.

    About the Presenter

    Paul Ramsbottom

    Managing Director - Advanced Solutions International (Asia Pacific)

    Over the last 20+ years Paul has worked with more professional bodies, industry associations, charities and fundraisers than most people would gather in several lifetimes. He is passionate about helping Associations and Not-For-Profits reach their goals, through adopting new and innovative solutions to help them run more efficiently. He is Managing Director of ASI Asia-Pacific which has more than 600 Not-For-Profit clients in the region. Paul enjoys working everyday with great staff and great clients and is rewarded by seeing great things ASI clients using iMIS, Association Online and Donman systems do in and around the community and knowing that ASI is able to contribute to that.

    Register Below

    Sydney l 15 May 3:00pm - 5:00pm 

    Brisbane l 16 May 10:00am - 12:00pm 

    Melbourne l 22 May 3:00pm - 5:00pm

  • 15 Apr 2019 11:42 AM | Deleted user

    Andrea Slattery has announced she is stepping down as a non-executive director from the SMSF Association board, effective from 18 April.

    Slattery was Managing Director and CEO when she resigned from the Executive in April 2017 and became a non-executive Director of the Association.

    Her decision to resign from the board is to focus on the companies where she has been appointed a non-executive director since leaving the Association’s Executive.

    Slattery, who was the inaugural CEO and one of the founding members of the Association, leaves an enormous legacy after 16 years of commitment to the organisation and its goal of leading the professionalism, integrity and sustainability of the SMSF sector.

    When she co-founded the Association in 2003, there were about 130,000 SMSFs and funds under management (FUM) stood at $109 billion. Today, it is the largest superannuation sector in terms of FUM ($755 billion), has about 1.1 million members, boasts 596,000 funds, and the Association is recognised as the pre-eminent voice in the SMSF space by government, regulators and the industry.

    Slattery says to work with the executive team, other directors and members to build the Association has been a rare privilege.

    “From a starting position of where the SMSF sector’s future was in question, we have overseen the emergence of the multi-skilled SMSF specialist to service the 1.1 million people who have opted to take personal control of their retirement savings, whether it be in the accumulation or pension phase. I am proud of what we have achieved, and leave the organisation knowing it is well positioned for its next growth phase.

    Association Chair Professor Deborah Ralston says the SMSF sector and the Association owes Andrea an enormous debt of gratitude for her drive, commitment, and enthusiasm over the past 16 years.

    “We will not only sorely miss her experience, knowledge and breadth of industry and government relationships, but the unbounded enthusiasm and energy she brought to the task, whether it was as the CEO or non-executive director.

    “The fact every major inquiry into superannuation, starting with the Cooper Review in 2010, has largely given the SMSF sector a clean bill of health is a testimony to what she helped achieve over this period.”

The Australasian Society of Association Executives (AuSAE)

Australian Office:
Address: Unit 6, 26 Navigator Place, Hendra QLD 4011 Australia
Free Call: +61 1300 764 576
Phone: +61 7 3268 7955

New Zealand Office:
Address: 159 Otonga Rd, Rotorua 3015 New Zealand
Phone: +64 27 249 8677


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